Sandy Harbor Sunset

Sandy Harbor Sunset

in loving memory

in loving memory
Dad T. in the Bluebonnets

Jake the Boat Dog!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Soccer Awards November 1, 2008

Waiting for the game to start.

Get in there, girl!

Way to play defense!

Look out, Meredith!
A lovely parting gift- duffle bags!
That's the end of Upwards Soccer for 2008!

Halloween 2008

October 31, 2008
Halloween Carnival
Marble Falls Baptist Church

Bean Bag Toss

Donut on a String! This is so funny!

These videos are hilariuos!

Dart Throw

Pretzel Crafts

Mad Science Show

Marble Falls Fire Dept. was there.

Look how perfectly creepily Summer's Jack-O-Lantern is rotting!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goblin Glow 10/25/2008

Saturday October 25, 2008

"Goblin Glow" in Burnet

Our little Annie Oakley:

Roundin' up the bad guys!

Dancing with Daddy

They also had a playscape:

Summer found another cowpoke to pal around with!

This was the "glow" in the Goblin Glow!

Trick-or-Traeting at the balloons:

Happy Halloween!

finish kitchen ceiling

Hard to tell, but most of the protruding bricks are broken out:

The ceiling is installed, and the nail holes are puttied: